Revenue forecast beats odds thanks to resilient Oregonians while highlighting failures of big budget government agencies

SALEM, Ore. – House Republican Leader Christine Drazan (R-Canby) released the following statement in response to the November state revenue forecast announced today. The state revenue continues to exceed expectations, accelerating to record levels and triggering another kicker. Oregonians are earning more income in a stronger economy so they’re paying more taxes, giving the state … Read more

House Republican Leader opposes policies that raise cost of living amid historic inflation

SALEM, Ore. – The Consumer Price Index experienced its largest 12-month increase in 30 years, evidence of rising inflation. Ahead of the upcoming 2022 Legislative Session, House Republican Leader Christine Drazan (R-Canby) warns against policies that will increase the cost of living in Oregon. “Rising inflation will hurt Oregonians,” said Leader Drazan. “Our state budget … Read more

Victims and their families traumatized by Governor’s commutation plan

SALEM, Ore. – This week Governor Kate Brown’s commutation list for prison sentences was made available to the media before victims were notified, prioritizing violent offenders and harming victims and their families. House Republican Leader Christine Drazan (R-Canby) released the following statement in response to Governor Kate Brown’s commutation of sentences: “The Governor continues to … Read more

House Republicans respond to congressional redistricting map court challenge

SALEM, Ore. – House Republican Leader Christine Drazan (R-Canby) released the following statement in response to an announcement that the congressional map passed by House and Senate Democrats for redistricting will be challenged in court. “Gerrymandering is cheating. Oregon Democrats want a map that protects incumbents and silences the voices of Oregonians. This challenge is … Read more

Rigged redistricting process fails Oregon

SALEM, Ore. – House Republican Leader Christine Drazan (R-Canby) released the following statement after passage of Democrats’ gerrymandered redistricting proposals. “These partisan maps are a wake-up call for Oregonians. They know Democrats had to cheat to get these maps across the floor. Democrats in Oregon have passed rigged political maps that will guarantee super-sized majorities … Read more

House Republicans call for renewed commitment to collaboration following pause in legislative session

SALEM, Ore. – House Republican Leader Christine Drazan (R-Canby) released thefollowing statement in response confirmation of a positive COVID-19 case in the capitolthat has delayed session. “At this time we are following recommended guidance to postpone today’s legislativesession in the interest of member and staff health. In the meantime, we will continueongoing conversations with Democratic … Read more

House Democrats form new partisan committee to pass illegal gerrymandered map

SALEM, Ore. – House Republican Leader Christine Drazan (R-Canby) released thefollowing statement in response to House Democrats’ creation of a new partisancommittee to force through a gerrymandered congressional map: “The Speaker has created a new partisan committee to force through the Democrats’illegal congressional redistricting map. She lied and broke her promise not just to us … Read more